One in 10 trainees plan to emigrate in next year, says survey


More than one in 10 newly qualified GPs (12%) is intending to leave the country in the next year, a survey shows.

The finding from a survey of 2,000 GP trainees has sparked renewed calls from the BMA for urgent action to tackle the recruitment and retention crisis in general practice.

The survey by Wessex local medical committees shows 12 per cent of the 700 doctors who became fully qualified GPs this summer intend to leave the country within 12 months. Around 5 per cent of those GPs cited burnout or exhaustion in their comments and 83 per cent had negative impressions of general practice.

“It is very worrying that one in 10 doctors is thinking of leaving UK general practice in their first year of being a GP,” said GPC GP trainees subcommittee chair Krishna Kasaraneni.

“The fact that 83 per cent of comments about general practice were negative just shows how much of a problem burnout is in our profession.”