Making sense of the ECG

MAKING SENSE OF THE ECG 4TH EDITION The Making Sense... series began in 1997 with Making Sense of the ECG, which has won awards from the BMA and the Royal Society of Medicine, and has...

Maternity pay as a junior doctor

Congratulations on your new arrival! Having a baby can be a wonderful yet stressful time, especially as a junior doctor rotating through different specialities, changing trusts and even moving to different parts of the...

Careers beyond medicine

After five or six years at university, thousands of pounds in student loan debt and a perpetual cycle of exams, you’ll hopefully have left medical school with a unique set of life-preserving skills. While...

Physician assistants role to be doubled, says DH

The NHS is to expand the use of ‘physician assistants’ and double the number of training places, the Department of Health in England has announced. There are over 200 physician assistants across the UK working...

News in Brief

JUNIOR ROTA PAYOUT 43 FY1s working on a surgical rota at Arrowe Park Hospital Wirral will share a £38,850 payout after a diary monitoring exercise of their working patterns found they were being underpaid....

One in 10 trainees plan to emigrate in next year, says survey

More than one in 10 newly qualified GPs (12%) is intending to leave the country in the next year, a survey shows. The finding from a survey of 2,000 GP trainees has sparked renewed calls...

Major consultation to improve public confidence in doctors

" style="border: 1px solid #000000; margin: 0px 7px 0px 0px; float: left;" />Doctors who have harmed patients could face sanctions even if they can show they have subsequently improved their practice in serious cases,...

BMA condemns sixth consecutive year ‘pay cut’

The BMA has condemned government confirmation that most doctors will suffer a sixth year of effective pay cuts and said the government was making a ‘total mockery’ of the independence of the DDRB (Doctors...

Half of junior doctors have concerns about quality of care

Over half (51%) of newly qualified doctors have concerns about the quality of healthcare provided in their workplace, according to a major new survey by the Medical Protection Society (MPS). The survey of over 1,000...

Jail for fraudulent NHS job application doctor

A South Shields man who failed 1,000 times to get a job as an NHS doctor using false details has been jailed for 15 months following a fraud investigation by NHS Protect, the organisation...