Junior doc rest rooms re-open at Aintree Hospital


Junior doctor rest rooms have been brought back into use at Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust following concerns raised by junior doctors at the BMA conference.

The trust re-introduced the facilities for doctors to use at the end of a long shift. Trainees were concerned about feeling too tired to drive home at the end of a long shift or a shift that finished in the early hours of the morning. 

The rest rooms had previously been taken out of use following changes to doctor’s shift patterns, which meant doctors were no longer resident on call.

FY2 doctor, Latifa Patel, who raised the issue with the Trust and BMA local negotiating committee said:

“This is a great gesture from a trust that recognises the importance of junior doctor’s safety. I hope it encourages other employers, where possible, to do the same.”

Trust medical director Gary Francis said: “Aintree believes that it is essential to support junior doctors through a range of measures, and by engaging with them to understand their issues.”

“Tired drivers are not safe drivers, for themselves or for others. This was a practical suggestion which we were happy to adopt.”
