Saturday, February 8, 2025

Setting up a national workshop as an anaesthetic trainee

It is essential for senior trainees to demonstrate their abilities at leadership and management in order to obtain a Certificate of Completion of Training...

Sticky business – Using USB sticks safely

USB sticks are small and fast with mega memory. But new technology brings new problems; MPS Writer Sara Williams explains why they should be...

Harm with goodwill

FY2 Dr Mikey Bryant is in Sierra Leone with healthcare charity Mercy Ships. He has been volunteering in a children’s clinic for a year...

Junior docs today more likely to work closer to home

Today’s generation of junior doctors are more likely than older generations to train and work in the same region as their home, according to...

NHS spending fell in real terms

Health spending fell in the United Kingdom in 2010 and 2011 for the first time since the 1970s, according to a new OECD report. Health...

25,000 doctors successfully reviewed in first year of checks

In its first year of operation the new system of checks for doctors practising in the UK has seen nearly 25,000 doctors have their...

Top five medicolegal hazards

Good doctors apply clinical knowledge in a way that is legally and ethically correct – but all doctors can slip up. Here are survival...

Strange medical products from animals

Would you ever consider injecting a product taken from a pig’s intestine into a patient then reversing its effects with a syringe full of...

Animals in training

Scientific advisor to the government, The Royal Society, claim that virtually every medical achievement in the 20th century relied on the use of animals...
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Don’t pressure juniors to train longer, says BMA

Proposals to allow greater training flexibility must not pressure junior doctors to opt out of working-time rules, the BMA warns. It warned opting out of...

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Oral and maxillofacial surgery

What do maxillofacial surgeons actually do? It may sound like a cliché, but think of the face and ask what a maxillofacial surgeon can't do! It...

Making it crystal clear – The myth of methamphetamine

In 2006 the UN issued a global warning for a drug that threatened both the developed and developing world. A drug they said would...

Third of junior doctors considering career change

Two thirds (65%) of junior doctors chose a career in medicine because they wanted to help people but a third are now thinking of...

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