News in Brief


Half of older GPs plan to quit

More than half (54.1%) of all GPs aged 50 and over plan to quit within five years, according to the Seventh National GP Worklife Survey. The annual study of almost 2,000 GPs is funded by the Department of Health. It also found that fewer than 1 in 10 GPs aged under 50 years indicated that there was a considerable or high likelihood of leaving direct patient care within five years.

MRCP exam fees frozen

MRCP(UK) has announced that fees will not increase for any of the MRCP(UK) examinations in 2014. Fees will be frozen for all three parts of the MRCP(UK) Diploma examination and all of the Specialty Certificate Examinations (SCEs). The decision was taken in the knowledge that the financial environment is difficult for NHS trainees, who had a basic pay increase of just 1% for 2013.

New BMA junior doctor chair for Scotland

West of Scotland trainee, Dr David Reid has been elected Chair of the BMA’s Scottish Junior Doctors Committee (SJDC). Dr Reid, graduated from Edinburgh University Medical School in 2008 and is currently a specialty trainee in renal medicine. He previously held the position of deputy chair of the committee leading on education and training issues.

Working overseas guide

A new guide which encourages doctors to develop skills in overseas health systems has been launched by the BMA this month. Broadening Your Horizons explains what doctors need to know if they are considering working or training in developing countries. It also aims to help NHS employers and medical educators understand how best to assist those who choose to undertake work abroad.