Climbing on to the property ladder

Whether you’re thinking about climbing onto the housing ladder for the first time, gradually moving up it or buying a property as a buy-to-let...

Out of programme time

Whether it is for the experience of working abroad or to undertake additional research, an increasing number of doctors are deciding to take time...

Third of junior doctors considering career change

Two thirds (65%) of junior doctors chose a career in medicine because they wanted to help people but a third are now thinking of...

Strange medical products from animals

Would you ever consider injecting a product taken from a pig’s intestine into a patient then reversing its effects with a syringe full of...

Hospital doctors least likely to take sick leave of all NHS...

NHS workers in England took an estimated 9.5 working days off sick last year according to a Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC)...

Animals in training

Scientific advisor to the government, The Royal Society, claim that virtually every medical achievement in the 20th century relied on the use of animals...

Consent for end of life decisions

Patients who are approaching the end of their life have the same entitlement to high quality care as other patients, and the GMC clearly...

Managing end of life care

Aside from the controversy surrounding the Liverpool Care Pathway, managing end of life care can be a difficult process for junior doctors. JuniorDr’s Laura James...

High patient demand for GP communication by email

Half of patients would like to communicate with their GP by email but less than two in ten (18%) are able to so at...

GMC seeks views on language checks for European doctors

Checks to ensure the English language skills of doctors from Europe are good enough to safely treat patients were revealed by the General Medical...

News in Brief

Half of older GPs plan to quit More than half (54.1%) of all GPs aged 50 and over plan to quit within five years, according...

9 out of 10 GPs say morale has fallen in the...

Almost nine out of 10 (86%) GPs say their morale has decreased over the last 12 months, according to the largest survey of opinion...

Over 3,000 written complaints against NHS per week

The number of written complaints about NHS organisations in England was 162,000 during 2012-13, equivalent to more than 3,000 written complaints a week over...

Over 7,500 doctors now revalidated

More than 7,500 doctors, including some of the UK’s most senior clinicians, have been revalidated by the General Medical Council (GMC) during the first...


It was 6am on the 15th August and my heart was pounding. The day had finally come when I would find out if I...

Juniors don’t have time to deliver quality care

More than one in four junior doctors feel they do not have the time to deliver the high quality care patients deserve, according to...

Advice on working overseas

For adventurous junior doctors there are plenty of opportunities to work overseas - from locum placements in the coastal towns of Australia to volunteering...

The interviews

Yes! I’ve made it to my first medical interview!” As I walked through the doors of the medical school, it felt like my dreams...

Working abroad – what you need to know

Want to broaden your experience? Have a sense of adventure? Perhaps you have a passion to practise medicine in less-developed communities? Whatever your reason...

All at sea – a ships doctor

I started on a fairly typical career path after qualification from the University of Leicester in 2001. I rotated through SHO posts in a...