Third of junior doctors considering career change


Two thirds (65%) of junior doctors chose a career in medicine because they wanted to help people but a third are now thinking of changing career, according to a survey of 357 foundation year 1 doctors by the Medical Protection Society (MPS).

The survey revealed that 70% had enjoyed their first year, however 75% agreed that they had struggled with long hours, 62% had struggled with heavy workload and 34% had felt isolated.

When asked what they had found most challenging when dealing with patients during their first year as a junior doctor, 73% said that they didn’t have enough time to give patients the care they require. Nearly half (47%) had often worked beyond their contracted hours, despite the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) limiting the working hours of doctors in training.

Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, medicolegal adviser at MPS says:

“It is encouraging to see that despite the struggles of their first year, 34% of respondents said that being a junior doctor was better than imagined and 32% were excited about their future career.”