Don’t pressure juniors to train longer, says BMA

Proposals to allow greater training flexibility must not pressure junior doctors to opt out of working-time rules, the BMA warns. It warned opting out of...


FY2 Dr Mikey Bryant is in Sierra Leone with healthcare charity Mercy Ships. He has been volunteering in a children’s clinic for a year...

Medicine in the movies

It has been said that 'no other art form pervades the consciousness with as much power as film'1. Film is omnipresent, crossing boundaries of age,...

Learning to lead

As a junior doctor you can develop your leadership competencies by being proactive and consciously assuming greater responsibilities around leadership activities; the Medical Leadership...

Flying doctors down under

An overseas OOPE in aeromedical retrieval When Dr Aarjan Snoek wanted to develop his skills leading a multidisciplinary team in the management of critically ill...

NHS spending fell in real terms

Health spending fell in the United Kingdom in 2010 and 2011 for the first time since the 1970s, according to a new OECD report. Health...

Changes to contract will free GPs to improve care, says BMA

New changes to the GP contract in England will begin to address the issues facing general practice by cutting unnecessary targets, reduce bureaucratic box-ticking...

News in Brief

£41m waste on electricity The NHS in England wasted £41.4 million last year simply by paying more than it should for energy and water, according...

One in four doctors feel undermined at work

Nearly one in five doctors in training has witnessed someone being bullied in their current post, and more than one in four has experienced...

GMC welcomes new rules on the movement of doctors across Europe

New rules on the movement of health professionals across Europe are a major improvement in patient safety, says the GMC. EU ministers have agreed that...

25,000 doctors successfully reviewed in first year of checks

In its first year of operation the new system of checks for doctors practising in the UK has seen nearly 25,000 doctors have their...

Harm with goodwill

FY2 Dr Mikey Bryant is in Sierra Leone with healthcare charity Mercy Ships. He has been volunteering in a children’s clinic for a year...

Glossy buzzwords

FY2 Dr Mikey Bryant is in Sierra Leone with healthcare charity Mercy Ships. He has been volunteering in a children’s clinic for a year...

RSM Young Trainee 2013

Dr Sayan Sen has been named the 2013 winner of the Wesleyan RSM Young Trainee of the Year. Sayan, who works at Imperial and...

Top five medicolegal hazards

Good doctors apply clinical knowledge in a way that is legally and ethically correct – but all doctors can slip up. Here are survival...

Shortening medical education may affect healthcare, warns BMA leaders

Proposals to shorten the length of UK basic medical education could have an impact on patients and the medical profession, the BMA has warned. Current...

New private medical school opens for applicants

A new self-funded undergraduate medical degree programme by the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) will take its first set of students in September 2014. The...

27m patients will wait a week or more to see GP...

Around 27m patients in England will have to wait for a week or more to see their GP in 2014, as a result of...

End of life for the Liverpool Care Pathway?

After almost a year of negative publicity and little in the press to defend its good intentions, the Liverpool Care Pathway is now gradually...

The waiting

Was my dream of becoming a doctor over? Having finished all my interviews, I felt as though I hadn’t expressed my true self and...